TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - How hard is it to rebuild a 90-93 tt ps pump?
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Subject How hard is it to rebuild a 90-93 tt ps pump?
Posted by Quick_Z on May 28, 2015 at 1:10 PM
  This message has been viewed 226 times.
Message I had an oem tt ps pump that functioned properly, no leaks or anything, but had a broken bracket bolt hole so the belt couldn't be tightened properly.

I purchased a good used oem pump from a reputable member here, and it looks like it has no leaks, and I believe it is in good condition, but the nature of these things dictates that a used item could fail after short time unless it is brought back to new condition by rebuilding. I have gone through a lot of hassle to clean the previous ps fluid leak from the hp hose and the reservoir suction hose, so I don't want to find out the pump failed shortly after the fix when none of the other items did this time, it would be a big hassle again to clean and fix a 3rd time. I know there are people here that offer the rebuild as a service, but since I already bought a used pump instead of a rebuilt pump, to avoid making it more expensive than just buying it rebuilt, how hard is it to just buy the rebuild kit and do it yourself? I have the technical knowledge, but just want to get an idea of the difficulty level before taking apart the used pump I have.

Anyone that has done this before, any idea how difficult it is to rebuild the ps pump on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being almost impossible and requiring a lot of special tools?

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